Acft Score Chart

Overview of the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is the fresh fitness test that has substituted the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) as the standard for measuring the physical readiness of soldiers in the United States Army. The ACFT is a more comprehensive and challenging test that is built to better prepare soldiers for the physical demands of combat.

The ACFT consists of six events that are built to measure a soldier’s muscular strength, endurance, and power. The events include a three-repetition maximum deadlift, a standing power throw, hand-release push-ups, a sprint-drag-carry, leg tucks, and a two-mile run.

The ACFT is a gender- and age-neutral test, meaning that all soldiers are required to meet the same standard regardless of their gender or age. The test is also scored on a scale of 0-600, with a minimum passing score of 375.

The ACFT is built to be a more accurate measure of a soldier’s physical readiness and to better prepare them for the physical demands of combat. It is also built to reduce the risk of injuries that can occur during training and combat by ensuring that soldiers are physically prepared for the challenges they may face.

Understanding the ACFT Score Chart

The Acft score chart is a reference tool used to comprehend the scoring system for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). The ACFT is a new physical fitness test that has been put into practice by the United States Army to evaluate the physical readiness of soldiers. The ACFT is designed to assess a range of physical attributes, including strength, endurance, and mobility.

The Acft score chart is categorized into three main sections: the maximum deadlift, standing power throw, and hand-release push-ups. Each category is worth a maximum of 100 points, and the total possible score is 600 points.

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The maximum deadlift measures lower body strength and is evaluated based on the weight lifted. The score chart provides a breakdown of the weight lifted and the corresponding score. For instance, lifting 140 pounds will earn a score of 60 points, while lifting 340 pounds will earn a score of 100 points.

The standing power throw measures upper body power and explosiveness. The score is based on the distance thrown, with a maximum score of 100 points for a throw of 13.5 meters or more.

The hand-release push-ups measure upper body strength and endurance. The score is based on the number of repetitions completed in two minutes, with a maximum score of 100 points for completing 70 or more push-ups.

In addition to these three categories, the ACFT also includes a two-mile run, a sprint-drag-carry event, and a leg tuck. These events are not included in the score chart but are assessed separately.

Understanding the ACFT score chart is crucial for soldiers to know what they need to achieve to pass the test and meet the physical fitness standards set by the Army. It is also essential for soldiers to work towards improving their scores to achieve their career goals and maintain their physical readiness.

Tips for Improving Your ACFT Score

Improving your ACFT score requires devotion and uniform endeavor. Here are some clues to assist you to enhance your score:

1. Generate a comprehensive training plan: To enhance your ACFT score, you require a well-rounded training plan that involves strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises. Consult a fitness expert to produce a personalized training plan that suits your fitness level and objectives.

2. Concentrate on your weaknesses: Identify the events where you are struggling and concentrate on enhancing them. For example, if you find the leg tuck challenging, work on strengthening your core muscles and grip.

3. Practice appropriate technique: Appropriate technique is vital for performing well in the ACFT. Practice the correct form and technique for each event to avoid injury and maximize your performance.

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4. Keep hydrated and fuel your body: Proper hydration and nutrition are essential for optimal performance. Drink sufficient water and eat a balanced diet to fuel your body for the ACFT.

5. Get sufficient rest: Adequate rest is necessary for muscle recovery and overall health. Make sure you get enough sleep and rest days to avoid burnout and injury.

6. Track your progress: Keep a record of your workouts and progress to track your improvement over time. This will help you recognize areas where you need to concentrate more and stay motivated to reach your fitness objectives.

By following these clues, you can enhance your ACFT score and achieve your fitness objectives. Remember to stay uniform, stay motivated, and never give up!

Common Mistakes to Avoid During the ACFT

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a challenging and strenuous test that requires physical strength and perseverance. To perform well on the ACFT, it is important to avoid common mistakes that could result in a lower score or injury. Here are some prevalent errors to avoid during the ACFT:

1. Improperly warming up: Neglecting to warm up correctly can cause injury and hinder performance. Make sure to warm up your muscles and joints by stretching, jogging, and doing some light exercises before beginning the test.

2. Inaccurate form: Accurate form is crucial for each event of the ACFT. Inaccurate form can lead to a lower score and increase the risk of injury. Ensure to practice and refine your form before taking the test.

3. Insufficient preparation: The ACFT is a challenging test that requires preparation and training. Failing to prepare sufficiently can result in a lower score and difficulty completing the events.

4. Not pacing yourself: The ACFT necessitates endurance, and pacing yourself is critical to perform well. Overexerting yourself at the beginning of the test can lead to fatigue and decreased performance later on.

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5. Overlooking rest days: Rest days are important for recovery and injury prevention. Neglecting to take rest days can result in burnout and injury.

6. Neglecting nutrition: Proper nutrition is critical for optimal performance on the ACFT. Neglecting nutrition can lead to tiredness, decreased performance, and even injury.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of performing well on the ACFT and achieving a high score. Remember to always prioritize safety and listen to your body during the test.

How the ACFT Differs from the Previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a recent physical fitness test that has taken over the Previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The ACFT differs from the APFT in various ways.

Primarily, the ACFT has six events that must be completed in a particular sequence, whereas the APFT had only three events. The six events of the ACFT are the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-ups, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and two-mile run.

Secondarily, the ACFT has diverse scoring standards for each event. The maximum score for each event is 100 points, with a total achievable score of 600 points. In contrast, the APFT had a maximum score of 300 points, with each event worth a maximum of 100 points.

Tertiarily, the ACFT has different standards for different military occupational specialties (MOS). Soldiers are required to achieve a minimum score based on their MOS, and some MOSs may have higher minimum standards than others. However, the APFT had one standard for all soldiers regardless of MOS.

Lastly, the ACFT is intended to measure overall physical readiness and functional fitness, while the APFT primarily measured cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance. The ACFT is designed to better prepare soldiers for the physical demands of combat and improve overall health and wellness.

All in all, the ACFT represents a significant change in the Army’s approach to physical fitness testing and is intended to better prepare soldiers for the rigors of combat and improve overall physical readiness.