Acft Passing Score

Understanding the ACFT Scoring System

The new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) has replaced the previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) as the standard measure of physical fitness for soldiers. The ACFT measures a soldier’s strength, endurance, and overall fitness through six events: the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and two-mile run.

To pass the ACFT, soldiers must achieve a minimum score in each event, as well as an overall minimum score based on their age and gender. The scoring system is based on a point system, with each event assigned a maximum number of points based on its difficulty. For example, the deadlift and standing power throw are each worth a maximum of 60 points, while the hand-release push-up and sprint-drag-carry are worth a maximum of 20 points each. The leg tuck is worth a maximum of 100 points, and the two-mile run is worth a maximum of 100 points as well.

To meet the minimum standards for each event, soldiers must achieve a certain number of points. The deadlift requires a minimum score of 142, the standing power throw requires a minimum score of 110, and the hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, and two-mile run each require a minimum score of 60. The leg tuck is scored differently, with soldiers earning points based on the number of repetitions they can complete.

In addition to meeting the minimum standards for each event, soldiers must also achieve an overall minimum score based on their age and gender. The minimum score ranges from 367 to 600 points, with younger soldiers requiring a higher score than older soldiers.

Understanding the ACFT scoring system is important for soldiers who want to pass the test and maintain their physical fitness. By training to improve their performance in each event, soldiers can ensure that they meet the minimum standards and achieve their highest possible score. This will not only help them excel in their military careers but also lead to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Preparing for the ACFT

Preparing for the ACFT

If you’re interested in passing the ACFT, it’s important to prepare yourself ahead of time. Here are some tips to help you get ready for the test:

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1. Learn the exercises: The ACFT includes six different exercises, so it’s important to understand the correct form for each one. Practice these exercises regularly to build up your strength and endurance.

2. Train for each event: Each event of the ACFT requires different skills and abilities, so it’s important to train specifically for each one. For example, if you struggle with the leg tuck event, focus on exercises that strengthen your core and hip extensors.

3. Develop a training plan: Create a training plan that includes a variety of exercises, including cardio, strength training, and flexibility work. It’s important to gradually increase the intensity of your workouts to avoid injury and improve your performance.

4. Monitor your progress: Keep track of your progress by recording your scores and tracking your workouts. This will help you identify areas where you need to improve and adjust your training plan accordingly.

5. Get enough rest and recovery: Rest and recovery are just as important as training when it comes to passing the ACFT. Make sure to give your body enough time to rest and recover between workouts to avoid overtraining and injury.

By following these tips, you can prepare yourself for the ACFT and increase your chances of passing with a high score. Remember, passing the ACFT takes time and effort, so be patient and stay committed to your training plan.

Breaking Down Each Event of the ACFT

The Acft is a comprehensive physical fitness test that measures a soldier’s strength, endurance, and agility. The Acft consists of six events that must be finished in a specific order. Breaking down each event of the Acft can help soldiers understand what they need to focus on to achieve a passing score.

1. The Three-Repetition Maximum Deadlift: The deadlift event measures a soldier’s raw strength. Soldiers must lift as much weight as possible for three repetitions. The deadlift event needs proper form and technique to prevent injury.

2. The Standing Power Throw: The standing power throw measures a soldier’s explosive power. Soldiers must toss a 10-pound medicine ball as far as possible from a standing position. Proper technique and coordination are essential to maximize the throw distance.

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3. The Hand-Release Push-Up: The hand-release push-up measures a soldier’s upper body strength and endurance. Soldiers must start in a prone position, release their hands from the ground, and perform a push-up. Proper form is essential to prevent injury and ensure accurate counting.

4. The Sprint-Drag-Carry: The sprint-drag-carry event measures a soldier’s speed, agility, and endurance. Soldiers must complete a series of tasks, including a sprint, a sled drag, a lateral shuffle, a farmer’s carry, and a sprint. Proper form and technique are essential to finish the event quickly and efficiently.

5. The Leg Tuck: The leg tuck event measures a soldier’s core strength and endurance. Soldiers must hang from a pull-up bar and perform a leg tuck, bringing their knees to their elbows. Proper technique and coordination are essential to perform the leg tuck correctly.

6. The Two-Mile Run: The two-mile run measures a soldier’s cardiovascular endurance. Soldiers must run two miles as quickly as possible. Proper pacing and endurance training are essential to perform well on the run.

Breaking down each event of the Acft can help soldiers identify their strengths and weaknesses and focus their training accordingly. By enhancing their performance in each event, soldiers can increase their overall score and achieve a passing score on the Acft.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During the ACFT

While the Acft may seem straightforward, there are several common mistakes that individuals make during the test that can greatly impact their overall score. Here are some common mistakes to avoid during the Acft:

1. Improper Form: Many exercises in the Acft require proper form to be executed correctly. Failing to maintain proper form during exercises such as the deadlift or standing power throw can result in injury or disqualification.

2. Lack of Preparation: The Acft requires a significant amount of preparation and training to ensure that you are physically ready for the test. Failing to prepare ahead of time can lead to poor performance and a lower score.

3. Overexertion: While it is important to push yourself during the Acft, overexerting yourself can lead to exhaustion and a decline in performance. It is important to pace yourself throughout the test to ensure that you can perform to the best of your abilities.

4. Inadequate Nutrition: Proper nutrition is essential for performing well during the Acft. Failing to fuel your body properly can lead to fatigue and poor performance.

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5. Neglecting Recovery: Recovery is just as important as training when it comes to the Acft. Failing to properly recover can lead to injury and poor performance during the test.

By avoiding these common mistakes and properly preparing for the Acft, individuals can increase their chances of achieving a passing score and meeting the Common fitness standards.

How to Improve Your ACFT Score Over Time

If you’re not currently meeting the ACFT passing score, there are several plans you can take to upgrade your performance over time. Here are some tips on how to upgrade your ACFT score:

1. Start Training Early: Don’t wait until the last minute to start training for the ACFT. The sooner you start, the more time you have to build up your strength and upgrade your performance.

2. Focus on Your Weaknesses: Identify the areas where you’re struggling the most and focus your training on those specific areas. For example, if you’re struggling with the leg tuck, focus on exercises that target your core and upper body potency.

3. Incorporate Weightlifting: The ACFT includes several strength-based events, so it’s important to incorporate weightlifting into your training routine. Focus on exercises that target the specific muscle groups required for each event.

4. Practice Proper Form: Proper form is essential for performing well on the ACFT. Make sure you’re using proper form during all exercises, and practice the events themselves to ensure you’re performing them correctly.

5. Increase Cardiovascular Endurance: The ACFT also includes a two-mile run, so it’s important to build up your cardiovascular endurance. Incorporate running, cycling, or other cardio exercises into your training routine to improve your endurance.

6. Track Your Progress: Keep track of your progress over time to see how you’re upgrading. Use a tracking app or journal to record your scores and track your progress toward your goals.

By following these tips and staying consistent with your training, you can upgrade your ACFT score over time and increase your chances of passing the test. Remember, it takes time and dedication to build up your strength and endurance, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep working hard, stay focused, and you’ll get there!