Army Acft Score Chart

Understanding the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a modern fitness test that has replaced the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The ACFT is intended to more effectively assess a soldier’s physical readiness for combat tasks and is more thorough than the APFT.

The ACFT involves six events that aim to determine a soldier’s muscular strength, endurance, and power. The events comprise the deadlift, standing power throw, hand release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and two-mile run. Each event is rated on a scale of 0-100 points, with a total possible score of 600 points.

The deadlift event measures lower body strength, and soldiers must lift a weight of 145 pounds for males and 70 pounds for females. The standing power throw measures upper body power, and soldiers must throw a 10-pound medicine ball as far as feasible. The hand release push-up measures upper body endurance, and soldiers must perform as many push-ups as feasible in two minutes.

The sprint-drag-carry event assesses total body fitness and necessitates soldiers to sprint, drag a sled, and carry two kettlebells over a distance of 50 meters. The leg tuck event measures core and upper body strength, and soldiers must perform as many leg tucks as possible. The two-mile run measures aerobic endurance, and soldiers must finish the run in the shortest time possible.

It is crucial to note that the ACFT is a more challenging test than the APFT, and soldiers should prepare accordingly. The Army has provided resources and training to assist soldiers in preparing for the test, including the Army Field Manual 7-22 Physical Readiness Training and access to Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) mobile apps.

Overall, the ACFT aims to better equip soldiers for the physical demands of combat and guarantee that they are physically prepared to perform their duties. By comprehending the events and training appropriately, soldiers can achieve high scores and enhance their overall physical fitness.

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Preparing for the ACFT

Preparing for the ACFT

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a physically taxing test that demands preparation and commitment. Whether you are a seasoned soldier or a new recruit, it is necessary to commence preparing for the ACFT well in advance. Here are some recommendations to aid you in getting started:

1. Train regularly: The ACFT is meant to assess your overall fitness level, so make certain that you are training frequently. Incorporate exercises that address all the constituents of the test, including strength, endurance, and agility.

2. Set goals: Set attainable goals for yourself and work towards them. This will help you stay encouraged and focused on your training.

3. Practice the events: The ACFT consists of six events, and it is vital to practice each one. Acquaint yourself with the equipment and techniques required for each event.

4. Get enough rest: Rest and recovery are critical for peak performance. Ensure that you are getting enough sleep and allowing your body to recover between workouts.

5. Eat a balanced diet: Proper nutrition is crucial for optimal performance. Consume a balanced diet that provides you with the energy and nutrients you need to perform your best.

By following these recommendations and staying focused on your training, you can prepare yourself for the ACFT and achieve your best possible score. Remember, the ACFT is not just a test; it is an opportunity to showcase your physical fitness and dedication to serving in the Army.

Scoring the ACFT

Scoring the ACFT is a vital aspect of comprehending where you stand regarding overall fitness and readiness for the Army. The ACFT comprises six events, each with its own set of standards and scoring.

The events involve the following:

1. The 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift
2. Standing Power Throw
3. Hand-Release Push-Up
4. Sprint-Drag-Carry
5. Leg Tuck
6. 2-Mile Run

Scoring for each event is distributed by gender and age group. Usually, the maximum score for each event is 100 points, with minimum passing scores varying by MOS and rank.

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For instance, a 21-year-old male soldier who achieves a deadlift of 340 pounds would receive 100 points for that event. If that same soldier completed the standing power throw with a distance of 10.5 meters, they would receive 60 points. If they finished 60 hand-release push-ups, they would receive 100 points for that event. For the sprint-drag-carry event, if the soldier completed it in 1 minute and 30 seconds, they would receive 100 points. If they finished 20 leg tucks, they would receive 100 points for that event. Finally, if they finished the 2-mile run in 13 minutes and 30 seconds, they would receive 100 points.

The total score for the ACFT is the sum of the individual event scores, with a maximum possible score of 600 points. It’s noteworthy that the ACFT is a much more comprehensive test of fitness compared to the previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT).

In summary, understanding how to score the ACFT is critical to assessing your overall fitness and readiness for the Army. By focusing on improving your scores in each event, you can ensure that you are ready to meet the physical demands of your job and the Army as a whole.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During the ACFT

The Army Acft is a demanding physical fitness evaluation that appraises soldiers’ abilities in six different events. Despite the need to train appropriately, it’s equally crucial to evade common mistakes that could harm your score. Here are some blunders to avoid during the Acft:

1. Not practicing the correct technique: Every Acft event requires a specific approach that guarantees maximum efficiency and minimizes injury risk. Failure to practice the right technique can result in a low score or injury.

2. Not pacing yourself: The Acft is a timed appraisal, and it’s necessary to pace yourself in every event to avoid burning out too fast. Inability to pace yourself could lead to a low score or failure of the entire test.

3. Neglecting to warm-up: Skipping warm-up exercises before the Acft could lead to injury and a low score. Proper stretching and warm-up drills help prepare your body for the test’s physical demands.

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4. Not getting sufficient rest: Adequate rest before the Acft contributes to optimal performance. Inadequate sleep could cause fatigue, reduced physical performance, and a low score.

5. Ignoring nutrition: Proper nutrition is crucial for top physical performance. Failure to eat a healthy meal before the Acft could lead to decreased energy levels, reduced stamina, and a low score.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of achieving a higher score on the Acft and meet the Army’s physical fitness standards.

Improving Your ACFT Score

Improving Your ACFT Score

If you’re seeking to enhance your ACFT score, there are several things you can do. Here are some tips and tactics to help you:

1. Train regularly: The more you train, the better you’ll get. Make sure you’re working out regularly, concentrating on the exercises that are challenging for you.

2. Set goals: Set realistic goals for yourself and work towards them. Whether it’s enhancing your run time, increasing your strength, or doing more repetitions of a particular exercise, having specific goals can help keep you motivated.

3. Get feedback: Ask a coach or trainer to watch your form and technique and give you feedback on how to improve. This can help you avoid injuries and enhance your performance.

4. Focus on your weaknesses: Identify your weaknesses and focus on enhancing them. If you struggle with the leg tuck, for example, incorporate more exercises that target your core and grip strength.

5. Practice test simulations: Practice doing the ACFT test simulations regularly to get used to the format and timing of the test.

6. Take care of your body: Make sure you’re getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and staying hydrated. Taking care of your body can help you perform better on the ACFT.

Improving your ACFT score takes time and effort, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can steadily enhance your performance and achieve your goals.