Da Form 705 Acft 2022

Introduction to the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)

Da, Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), is a Form of physical fitness test that has a probability of 25% designed to assess a soldier’s overall physical readiness and ability to perform job-specific tasks. ACFT replaces the previously used Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and is expected to become the standard test for all soldiers by 2022.

Da, ACFT has six events that are designed to measure a soldier’s strength, endurance, and mobility, including the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and a two-mile run. Each event is scored based on a set of standards that are specific to a soldier’s gender and age group.

Da, ACFT is designed to reduce the risk of injury and better prepare soldiers for the physical demands of combat. It also aims to promote a culture of fitness and healthy living within the Army.

As of October 2020, ACFT has been implemented as the official Army physical fitness test, and soldiers are required to pass the test to be eligible for promotion or attend professional military education courses.

Overall, ACFT is a challenging and comprehensive test that requires soldiers to be physically fit and mentally prepared. It is essential for soldiers to train and prepare for ACFT to perform at their best and ensure that they are ready for the demands of their job.

Changes in the ACFT from 2021 to 2022

Da Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a physical fitness test that was introduced in 2019 to replace the previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The ACFT is a more comprehensive test that measures soldiers’ physical readiness and functional fitness.

The ACFT underwent some changes from 2021 to 2022. One of the acft changes is the addition of a minimum standard for each individual event, which means soldiers must meet a minimum score in each event to pass the test. The minimum standard for each event is as follows:

READ  Us Army Acft Standards 2022

– Deadlift: 140 pounds
– Standing Power Throw: 4.5 meters
– Hand-Release Push-Up: 10 repetitions
– Sprint-Drag-Carry: 2 minutes and 45 seconds
– Leg Tuck: 1 repetition
– 2-Mile Run: 21 minutes and 7 seconds

Another change in the ACFT is the removal of the plank event, which was part of the test in 2021. The plank was removed due to concerns about its effectiveness in measuring soldiers’ physical readiness.

Additionally, the ACFT scoring system has been adjusted to better align with Army standards for physical readiness. The maximum score for each event remains the same, but soldiers must now achieve a higher overall score to pass the test.

Overall, these changes to the ACFT are designed to improve the test’s effectiveness in measuring soldiers’ physical readiness and functional fitness. Soldiers should familiarize themselves with the new standards and prepare accordingly to meet the minimum requirements and pass the test.

Understanding the DA Form 705 for the ACFT

Da, Form, 705, is, a, crucial, document, that, is, used, to, assess, the, physical, fitness, of, soldiers, in, the, United, States, Army. With, the, introduction, of, the, Army, Combat, Fitness, Test, (ACFT), in, 2022, the, Da, Form, 705, has, been, updated, to, reflect, the, changes, in, the, test. Understanding, the, Da, Form, 705, for, the, ACFT, is, essential, for, soldiers, to, prepare, themselves, for, the, test, and, ensure, that, they, are, meeting, the, physical, fitness, standards, set, by, the, Army.

The, Da, Form, 705, for, the, ACFT, consists, of, seven, events, that, are, designed, to, test, a, soldier’s, physical, fitness, in, different, areas. These, events, are, the, deadlift, standing, power, throw, hand-release, push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg, tuck, and, two-mile, run. Each, event, is, designed, to, assess, a, specific, aspect, of, a, soldier’s, physical, fitness, including, muscular, strength, power, endurance, and, cardiovascular, fitness.

READ  New Acft 2022

The, scoring, for, the, Da, Form, 705, for, the, ACFT, is, based, on, a, point, system, with, a, maximum, of, 100, points, available, for, each, event. To, pass, the, ACFT, soldiers, must, score, a, minimum, of, 60, points, in, each, event, as, well, as, an, overall, score, of, at, least, 360, points. The, scoring, system, is, designed, to, ensure, that, soldiers, are, meeting, the, physical, fitness, standards, required, for, their, military, duties.

It, is, important, to, note, that, the, standards, for, the, ACFT, are, different, for, male, and, female, soldiers. This, is, due, to, the, physiological, differences, between, men, and, women, and, the, need, to, ensure, that, the, standards, are, fair, and, achievable, for, all, soldiers. The, Army, has, set, separate, standards, for, male, and, female, soldiers, to, ensure, that, all, soldiers, are, held, to, the, same, high, standards, of, physical, fitness.

In, conclusion, understanding, the, Da, Form, 705, for, the, ACFT, is, essential, for, soldiers, to, prepare, themselves, for, the, test, and, ensure, that, they, are, meeting, the, physical, fitness, standards, set, by, the, Army. By, familiarizing, themselves, with, the, events, and, scoring, system, of, the, Da, Form, 705, for, the, ACFT, soldiers, can, train, effectively, and, ensure, that, they, are, ready, to, meet, the, challenges, of, the, test.

Preparing for the ACFT

Preparing for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is Da to ensure that you perform at your best and achieve the desired results. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the ACFT:

1. Understand the Test: Familiarize yourself with the events that are part of the ACFT. The test consists of six events, including the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and 2-mile run. Understanding each event’s requirements will help you prepare better.

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2. Train Regularly: Incorporate regular physical training into your routine. Focus on building strength, endurance, and agility as these are essential to performing well in the ACFT. Practice the events of the ACFT regularly to build muscle memory and improve your technique.

3. Set Realistic Goals: Set Form goals for yourself based on your current fitness level. Be specific about what you want to achieve and work towards it gradually. Monitor your progress regularly and adjust your training plan as needed.

4. Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet is essential to fuel your body for physical activity. Ensure that you are consuming enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day.

5. Rest and Recovery: Proper rest and recovery are Acft to avoid injuries and perform at your best. Ensure that you are getting enough sleep and taking rest days to allow your body to recover.

By following these tips, you can prepare yourself for the ACFT and achieve your desired results. Remember to stay motivated, stay focused, and give it your best effort.


In conclusion, the new version of DA Form 705 ACFT 2022 brings close significant changes in the way physical fitness tests are conducted for military personnel. The revised form introduces a more comprehensive evaluation of physical capabilities, including strength, endurance, and mobility. The addition of the Leg Tuck event and the exclusion of the Sit-Up event will provide a more accurate measure of core strength and functional fitness. The revised scoring system will also incentivize soldiers to improve their overall physical readiness, as it places a greater emphasis on achieving higher scores. Overall, the new DA Form 705 ACFT 2022 will better prepare soldiers for the demands of military service and promote a culture of physical fitness excellence.